Gender Mainstreaming Toolkit for the Space Sector is out!

Gender Mainstreaming Toolkit for the Space Sector is out!

Gender inequality is a societal problem hindering progress across the Sustainable Development Goals. Biases and stereotypes reinforced by structural and cultural norms continue to prevail in our society preventing women and girls from pursuing their dreams and also diminishing their career aspirations. The status quo in STEM fields and the space sector has been changing, albeit at an insufficient pace.

Through the Space4Women initiative, UNOOSA aspires to contribute to a meaningful and measurable change. As part of its activities, an annual Expert Meeting is held to advance the discourse around gender equality globally. The fourth Space4Women Expert Meeting, organized in 2023 by UNOOSA and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA), put forth an aspiration to develop the first guiding document for the space sector to boost gender mainstreaming efforts.

This Gender Mainstreaming Toolkit is the key outcome of the meeting and addresses the underlying systemic gender inequalities at various levels and contexts. The Toolkit supports organizations in increasing women’s representation and creating enabling environments for them to thrive. Providing easily replicable and practical measures, examples and solutions helps teams without gender specialists adapt gender mainstreaming efforts to their unique situations.


You can access the report here.